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MIR and Deep Learning are “data-driven”.
This means that we “do as the data says”, and as a result we need large amounts of “datapoints” (in the order of thousands) to find “the real meaning that the data is trying to convey”.
Fortunately, large amounts of data have already been curated by researchers and are easily accesible.
We have discussed how feature extraction can serve as a technique to achieve dimensionality reduction.
The audio features we have studied so far are “hand-picked”, which can result in a flawed research methodology (why?)
The principal components analysis is an unsupervised learning method to avoid “hand-picking”.
It is unsupervised because it can identify structure in data without introducing human bias.
PCA can reduce the dimensionality of high-dimensional datapoints in a dataset by projecting the data (via dot product) onto a few vectors that are orthogonal to each other, and each vector minimizes the mean squared error from the points.
) can be summarized as:
The relative magnitude of the covariance matrix’s eigenvalues represent the proportion of variance that each eigenvalue-eigenvector pair can capture in the data.
There are python libraries to carry out PCA without having to do all these steps by hand. The most popular implementation is sklearn’s PCA.
Next class, during the discussion session (if you come to class), you will tell us about three research papers you have read that relate to your research interests and the course material.
You will have exactly 5 minutes to talk (if you come to class). You may use visual aids for your presentation (i.e. slides).
You must also write a 500 word post describing the three research papers you identified on the course subreddit.
Find and read research papers that align with your interests in the proceedings of conferneces such as ISMIR 2021, CogMIR 2019, ICASSP 2021, DAFX 2021, or do a search on google scholar for keywords that better match your interests within the scope of this course.
Both due Feb 22nd at 11:59PM (Eastern Standard Time)
© Iran R. Roman 2022